Tailored Services

Tax Returns

Basic Netfile Return $15

Basic Return Manual $20

Standard Netfile Return $25

Past Year Returns (please email or call for a quote)

All returns and other documentation will be saved on an external hard drive and never on the computers hard drive and will be password protected with top of the line encryption software. The copy for your records will be either delivered or mailed to you for your personal records. I only require a picture of income slips and anything else you wish to claim on your return above & beyond income.

Commissioner of Oaths

An appointed Commissioner For Oaths under the Commissioner For Oaths Act, may administer oaths and take and receive affidavits, declarations and affirmations within the province.

Witnessing and taking affidavits for legal or other court documents. The person affirming or swearing to the document(s) must do so in the presence of the commissioner. All material is to be filled out in advance with exception to the signature and date. Proper identification must be presented, a valid government issued ID.

Manual and Computerized System

A Manual and Computerized System is a great choice for any office, where employees are able to access both physical files and lookup where they are located or even have the scanned in version of each document within each manual file. This type of system is great in the event that the office computer database may be down or in the event of other computer issues that may stop an employee to see the file on screen. Both work together great, but changing your manual filing system over into a fully computerized system is also available in this service.

Scanning of Documents

Scanning of any documents you would like placed into your database or made into a PDF form that you can send as formal copies to clients or other business related dealings. All documents can be filed or they can be saved as all types of files such as png, jpeg, MS Word, etc. They can also be made to make changes or enter extra information. In addition, you can make certain scanned documents fillable and add signatures to make working with clients and other business related dealings a lot more simpler. I can provide scanning of your documents in whichever format needed, once you've had all of your documents scanned I will also show you how you can use them to make your business run the way you would prefer.

Virtual Secretary

Whether you have a regular secretary who has too many tasks for him/her during a busy time or you don't really require a secretary on a regular basis only every now and then to do different administrative duties every now and then. The virtual secretary is a great solution for your business, we can offer temporary secretarial duties as needed.

Office Design

We offer office design to existing and new businesses, we work with the owner and employee's in how they would like their office environment to look for them and for their clients. We can use many different styles to bring your business office space into the new age, Database and filing systems are included in the office design process if necessary. We will meet to figure out a design and a budget for what you want to present your business to say to it's clients and stay practical and ergonomic for employee's.

Resume, CV, & Cover Letters

Do you need to create a resume, CV, and/or cover letter that will stand out to any employer but aren't sure of the style or what way to present yourself we have you covered. We will work with you to evaluate which type of resume you need based on your education and experience. We will also work to make sure that your resume, CV, and/or cover letter will be an extension of your personality yet appeal to employers.